Sunday, September 26, 2010

It's A Brunch Kind of Sunday

This weekend, amid a rare Los Angeles heat wave (90's might not seem like much to you Texans, but when your apartment complex has no air conditioning, it can be unpleasant!) M and I spent most of Saturday cleaning and decorating so that we could have our first little party. This flurry of activity finally jumped the apartment into feeling at least a little put-together, and we both enjoyed the joint activity.

On Sunday, we hosted a brunch for the math department of M's school + the physics teacher and his wife. It was a tidy little group, and though I didn't know anybody very well, I felt like it was a jovial group and everyone had a good time. I'm glad to finally get to meet some of the people M has said so much about, and hopefully nudge a cranny out for myself.

Additionally, I felt glad to know that people seemed to like our apartment and my rudimentary cooking skills. We hauled out my grandfather's waffle iron and put strawberries, blueberries, and chocolate chips nearby so people could make waffles to their specifications. I made pan-fried potatoes, sausage, bacon, and two kinds of scrambled eggs- one batch with tomatoes and one with cream cheese and chives. One of the Algebra teachers brought homemade monkey bread, and two others brought fruit. MMMmmmm! Once the physics teacher's champagne contribution was in the mix, not bad at all!

The monkey bread required a little touching up in the oven, which was an adventure. While it was baking, the topping started dripping over, causing it to smoke and burn. We had the fire alarm go off twice, and the living room filled with smoke for the first half of the meal, but for some strange reason I think I actually liked it better that way. I have a tradition of smokey kitchens, after all:And... at least now we've tested our smoke alarms!

Our guest list was limited by the fact that we only have 6 full size plates, but maybe I will look for some more soon and then be able to have a few of the people from my work over as well. It's a good start, plus, now the apartment is ready for my dad's visit on Tuesday!

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